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Pluto in Aquarius: Bridging the Cosmic Shift Across Zodiacs and Ages

Last week, late at night while taking a bath in my backyard under stars, I wrote a quick spur of the moment post on the evening that Pluto moved into Aquarius. 

While many were writing about the event of Pluto moving into Aquarius I wanted to illuminate the great cosmic context.

The post I wrote went mini-viral so I wanted to share it with you all here.

Pluto moved into Aquarius today in the Tropical Zodiac (Western Astrology). In the Sidereal Zodiac (Vedic Astrology) Pluto is still in Capricorn.

There’s a lot of banter and argument amongst astrologers about which is “right”.

As the TrueSelf team is building a new product that leverages AI to synthesize all systems (coming in 2025), I went deep into investigation, research and contemplation on this topic…

…and answers were bestowed upon me.

Ultimately both are right.

They measure different things.

The Tropical Zodiac is indexed to the seasons of the Earth.

The Sidereal Zodiac is indexed to the Galactic Center.

Sidereal astrology accounts for the precession of the equinoxes to align the zodiac signs with the actual positions of the constellations, meaning if you look into the night sky with a telescope, you will see Pluto in Capricorn, not Aquarius.

This doesn’t mean Tropical Astrology is “wrong”.

Astrology doesn’t work according to the principles of Scientific Materialism;

Astrology is not Astronomy.

Astrology works based on the Fractal-Holographic-Holonic Nature of Reality and the way the Microcosm and Macrocosm reflect and interpenetrate each other.

Scientific Materialists don’t understand how aspects of Reality and the human experience can be encoded into the Stars with Causality…

But Scientific Materalists are doomed to chase their tails with Sisyphean Eternity until they realize the futility of their insistence on making sense of reality within the incorallable narrowness of Materialistic-Gross Realm Absolutism.

You are a Multidimensional Being with many different bodies beyond just the physical.

The Tropical Zodiac models the Personality.

The Sidereal Zodiac models the Soul and Karmas that transmigrate from life to life.

Human Design elucidates the Design Crystal which models the physical vessel that the Personality is housed within.

Pluto moving into Aquarius is different than the Age of Aquarius.

Pluto moves signs about every 20 years.

Whereas the Ages are based on the 26,000 Cycle that is the Precession of the Equinox.

Ages change about every 2160 years and we are currently in the transition phase between the Age of Pisces and the Age of Aquarius.

The 26,000 year cycle of the Precession of the Equinox interacts with the 24,000 Yugic Cycle.

The 2,000 year differential creates a gear system that creates persistent novelty of Reality through the larger time cycles of Mahayugas and Manvantaras.

Vedic Astrology and its corresponding Sidereal Zodiac also essentially proves the conventional view of linear history is wrong, and confirms a cyclical / spiralic understanding of history where both consciousness and civilizations were more evolved in the past (if you go back far enough to trace the Descending Yugas upwards.).

The last golden age within this Yugic Cycle was 11,500 B.C.

This time corresponds to both the Fall of Atlantis and the peak of many enlightenment traditions with unbroken lineages, such as the indigenous Tibetan Bön Dzogchen and many Vedic Lineages as well.

Reality is far more complex and magical than most realize.

The Human Body did not come into being through random mutation and natural selection, evolving upward in complexity from single celled organisms and inorganic matter.

Reality emerges from the highest dimensions downward, not the lowest dimensions upwards.

Reality is composed of many Planes, Dimensions and Densities (related but different structures).

The reason most don’t realize all this is because there’s an ignorance matrix program that is installed during the Kali Yuga.

We are out of the Kali Yuga now and are in the early Dwapara Yuga.

This transition occurred in the 1700s corresponding with the age of the Scientific Alignment.

Since we are now fully out of the Kali Yuga this is why the dark Kali Yuga structures are currently being undone. But also why Dark Power still rules the 3D world.

We are in a Dark to Light transition.

Pluto entering into Aquarius in the Tropical Zodiac will accelerate the transformation of Kali Yugic Darkness in human society into Awakening particularly through Aquarian innovation and technology.

Tribes, lineages, soul families and companies of which I am a part will play a prominent role in this unfolding.



Here are some nice reference images if you'd like dive a bit deeper



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