Imagine knowing exactly how to be your best self at work!
You’re about to discover the most profound secrets about living your best possible life, can TrueSelf help you at work too?
No more frustrating workplace disagreements,
discover your unique workplace blueprint.

Know exactly how YOU are supposed to work best.
What You’ll Get
Easily avoid workplace conflicts by understanding how you communicate (and how others can communicate with you).
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Confirmation about how you naturally communicate, so you can feel confident.
Clear insights on how others should communicate with you, that you can share.
Understanding where you should put your focus (and the potential challenges to avoid).
Know how you most naturally relate to time management in your working life.
A deep clarity on how you make decisions, so you can trust your own decisions.
Discover some of the workplace habits that are most common for your personality type.
A comprehensive blueprint of how you work best, so you can be your true self at work.
With the TrueSelf Workplace Profile, you’ll discover the secret to an effortless workflow that’s unique to your personality, giving you peace of mind for the rest of your working days.
This was interesting to see my deepest passions, greatest fears laid out in print from a relatively few numbers of questions. 10/10!
The Scholar| 8-5-4 SP
Ingrid B.
This is a great test and it's different from those I have taken before, it's interesting and even really entertaining. The results are accurate!
The Gentle Spirit | 9-7-4 SX
Rebecca S.
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Frequently asked questions
The Enneagram is a system of personality typing that describes patterns in how people interpret the world and manage their emotions. The Enneagram describes nine personality types and maps each of these types on a nine-pointed diagram which helps to illustrate how the types relate to one another.
According to the Enneagram, each of the nine personality types is defined by a particular core belief about how the world works. This core belief drives your deepest motivations and fears — and fundamentally shapes a person's worldview and the perspective through which they see the world and the people around them.
Our core beliefs are not necessarily incorrect, but they can be limiting and operate as “blinders” for people. Understanding our Enneagram type and how it colors our perceptions can help us to broaden our perspective and approach situations more effectively.
Understanding a person's Enneagram type helps us to see why they behave the way they do. Each Enneagram type has a set of core beliefs that will consistently motivate them to take particular actions and guide them to make certain decisions. Behavior that may seem confusing or contradictory can often be explained when we understand a person's Enneagram type.
The Enneagram also helps us understand how people react to stress. By describing how each Enneatype adapts and responds to both stressful and supportive situations, the Enneagram shows opportunities for personal development and provides a foundation for the understanding of others.
The diagram itself goes back many centuries, possibly as far back as the Greek mathematicians and beyond. The first appearance in print (that we know about) was in 1305, when a Franciscan friar named Ramon Lull in Majorca used it as a way of synthesizing the knowledge of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
As a system of psychological types, this development began in the late 1960s although there are parallels in the Christian tradition going back to the "Desert Fathers" in the first two centuries CE. At that time, the obstacles to spiritual practice were described as the eight or nine habits of mind.
The Enneagram of today incorporates both the long-standing mystical wisdom put forth by those early Christian monks and the studies and exploration of the Enneagram pioneers that surfaced in the last hundred years.
The foundation of the TrueType is based on the Enneagram, which has 9 core personality types in 3 Centers of Intelligence: Body, Heart, and Head.
In the TrueType System, you have a personality type in each Center of Intelligence that you use in preferential order, hence your 3 types X, Y, Z. These 3 types come together in a unique way that makes zoom is having an up the core of your personality.
For those familiar with the Enneagram System, we do not use Wings. Our research has essentially shown that wings are a lower resolution version of TrueType.
We describe more about TrueType in this article and will write more about our research into Wings soon.
Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to receive your reading as a PDF at this time. This is a feature we hope to add in the near future. You can of course print the web page via your web browser. But rest assured, through the link in the email you received (if you have entered your email address) you can always read the enneagram online.
What is so useful about understanding our Enneagram type is that it gives us a huge amount of information about our personality, character structure, and our patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving. We have the opportunity to develop our self-awareness and make more conscious choices about what serves us and what doesn't. At the beginning level, there is a shortlist of suggestions: "do this, don't do this" which can improve our daily functioning, our performance at work and our communication with others. At a deeper level, there is a map to profound psychological and spiritual growth.
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The average person spends 50% of their waking life at work on any given day, so how we show up at work deserves attention.
If you had a precise roadmap that showed you how you best communicate, make decisions, and receive support, how much more productive and happy would you be at work?
The TrueSelf Workplace Profile also explains exactly what you should focus on at work, how you can manage your time best and illuminates the specific problems you can face at work.
The TrueSelf Workplace Profile shows you how you work and collaborate best, as the unique individual you are, so you can do work you love and love the work you do.
Workplace Profile Preview
Working with Others
You are energetic, upbeat, creative with a playful sense of humor which is enjoyable to others. Highly expressive, you tend to communicate with passionate enthusiasm that is contagious. You are a true visionary that loves to brainstorm ideas to explore all possible options.

Tips for Relating to Others
Notice your pace compared to others’. Likely you’d benefit from slowing down. If you have a problem, talk about it without sugar coating it. People don’t need the silver lining. You can become sidetracked easily in an effort to keep things interesting for you.

How You Make Decisions
Making decisions is easy for you, but so is changing your mind. You rarely commit to a decision wholeheartedly. Bigger decisions can be hard, because it can feel like there’s no way out. You’ll always be looking to make choices that have a back-up option in case you change your mind

Many Insightful Chapters
Working with Others
Ideal Environment
Typical Challenges
Taking Guidance
Leadership Style
Tips for Relating to Others
Tips for Others When Relating with You
Focus in the Workplace
Potential Pitfalls
How Others Can Support You
Relationship to Time Management
How You Make Decisions
Verbal Communication Style
Nonverbal Communication Style
Hidden Communication Style

Lifetime Updates
We are regularly adding to and improving the full TrueSelf Personality Profiles. Any content we add to the profile in the future you will receive for free.
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